Monday, September 30, 2013

Blogs gonna get better

Let's face it this is boring. No pics no vids. Ill start blogging from my computer really soon so I can format. Anyway starting a new program while I pick my weight up. Gonna grind this winter out and hopefully start my cut before my next semester starts. I want a 500+ deadlift hopefully a close to 400 squat

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ketogenic end/ going into te single digits of bodyfat

Well yesterday was the 13th day of my keto diet and it ended yesterday. I'm pretty low now in body fat and in contemplating going into the single digits if I'm not already there. I took a break from cutting weight altogether for a couple days. Anyway keto diet conclusion: You drop weight fast if you're strict with exercise, 7-10 pounds 13 days. I'm not sure how much of it was water weight though. My goal isn't really weight it's how I look. You're never hungry. That about it. It sucks not having any sweets though. Anyway I'm inbetween diets. I'm waiting on my supplements to come in the mail probably before I start again on a low calorie diet. I had a bunch of ice cream and cookies yesterday as a reward lol. Sidenote: if you're hungry while dieting get a fat burner. I got some samples in the mail and I think they are worth their weight in blunting hunger at the least.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chest tri oblique; ketosis day 10

I've dropped tons of fat in the last 5 days. Ill probably cut on ketosis all the time from now on. I ran out of jack3d yesterday so I went to get some more. Anyway my Adonis belt is here now and it's looking decent. I need to put some mass on my obliques to really make it look good. I'll be doing oblique work at the end of my work outs for a few weeks. Anyway I hit my chest and triceps today. I hit the Dumbell incline for 70x10 and the weighted dips for 35 poundsx10. Pretty good day. I'll keep this short and not include my whole work out. Side note: since my car has been down I've been getting 2-3.5 miles in walking as cardio which probably aids in my weight loss.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Enter the Ketosis: Day 5

I'm currently in ketosis. I'm down about 5-6 pounds in 5 days. I wear it begins to slow down soon. Generally 20 pounds in 3-5 weeks is what ketosis does to you, nearly all of it is fat. Anyway today is my Rest day. Tomorrow is my chest and triceps day. I'm exclusively switching to dumb bells to get my left side stronger. So no more barbell bench for a month or so. Anyway back to my ketoenic diet, my strength has peaked. I pulled 425 on the deadlift yesterday. I'm definitely getting up there, considering I'm 16 weeks in. I'm fixing my squat now so it won't be stuck at 315 for 1 rep. My biggest issue with this diet is that my endurance is shit. I was doing weighted pull ups[45 pounds 10 reps 4 sets] and after that I feel like I've been working out for hours. My deadlift sessions last forever also because of this I have to take ample rest day, anyway I'm working on getting my videos on this blog.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cutting weigh:/ down 12 pounds 18 more to go preferably// Ketogene diet and ketosis

I've been cutting weight it's no secret. Just recently I've done a lot of research on Ketosis and its effects. For everyone who doesn't know what it is, basically the human body uses carbs for energy and sugars. Basically we you enter a state of ketosis you use fat for energy instead of carbs. This does multiple things; speeds fat loss up tremendously, you could w come lean while building muscle too. There's many more benefits. I'm day 1 into this, and I'm dizzy an lightheaded, it's normal though considering my carb intake was insanely low, which is one of the ways to get in ketosis, very low carb intake. You can speed it up with hyper intense interval training [HIIT] which I did this morning, to speed it up even faster ill do a 24 hour food fast tomorrow. I'm currently 198 and ill be going down to 180 so well see how this works for a bit.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Been too lazy to update! Cutting weight

I've been so lazy to update. Not much has changed lately besides my deadlift. Finally picked up 405, 4 plates. Trying to get more limber lately before I began squatting heavy again and working on my bench form. Other than that I've added a lot of gymnastic moves to my arsenal. Cleaned my diet up and began cutting. I'm down from 210 to 197, ill probably aim for 180ish. Anyway ill keep this one short. Records are Bench:225x7 Squat:300x5 Deadlift;405x1 Overhead press: 135x4 Good news on pull ups though I've began pulling up with 75 pounds added. I'm aiming for 90 which is like half of my goal weight

Thursday, August 15, 2013

225 bench press finally! Genetics talk

Hey people, yesterday on my push day I hit 225x4[2 plates] and it's kinda crazy to see how fast I progress. I remember being barely able to put up 135 11 weeks ago. There will be a video at the bottom of the post.

As for genetics, I've always thought I was on the chubbier side which lead me to believe I was Endomorph body style. But I think I'm beginning to see I'm mesomorph. I'm gaining strength so fast people are actually accusing me of steroids. I'm also gaining an insane amount of fat with that too. Ill find out soon enough if I have good athletic genetics, however if so I'd wish I had started earlier or played a sport in high school.

Anyway without further ado here's my workout from yesterday

Flat BB bench

Military press

Chest fly
3 sets of 15

3 sets of 10

Side lateral raises

Overhead DB extensions 1 hand

L sit
30 seconds
30 seconds
30 Seconds

Chest flys are a working progress may replace

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Beginners deload end 12 week results

They say listen to your body. I'm feeling about 100% now so Ill hit the gym later today to do my new push workout.

This post was mainly to give insight how my physique changed over the last 3 months.
Basically to gain weight I just eat everything and to come down I do a STRICT calorie count. I didn't exceed 200 which resulted I'm about 10 pounds In 1 month. I'm currently bulking before I decide to cut again. I'm focussing on strength as oppose to size.

This is probably at the peak of my bulking thing 4 weeks after 15 pounds was gained 

This is when I did a mini cut back to 195 which I seemed to preserve a lot of muscle.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First post: Deload week

Like the title states, this is my first post. Anyway this is week 11 if my weight training and I've decided to make this deload week to get a full recover.  Ill update on my stats and how they've grown in the next post. Ill give a little insight to myself now

I'm 21 years old, never really been an athletic kid, Thai boxing was probably the first athletic thing I ever done. May 25th I decided I'd start lifting weights to fill out my body some considering I have a stress fracture from Thai boxing. That quickly turned to something more. I started to notice my body explode. I began reading a lot of bodybuilder sites mainly I've learned a lot of body composition and manipulation methods. Suddenly I began to add more and more weight to my lifts. I watched my bench go from 135 to 215 in less than 3 months. I was becoming obsessed. At my gym I get a lot of smack for my diet, but I prefer to keep everything simple, as long as I'm in a surplus of calories and got my protein goals I consistently seen strength gains.

Anyway before I rambling on ill continue about myself. Im currently in college and I work a fulltime job. I have a few good friends and a few good buddies I hit the gym with. I'd personally prefer someone with the same drive as myself to push myself again but that's in due time.

Ill keep this short, see you soon bloggies!