Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cutting weigh:/ down 12 pounds 18 more to go preferably// Ketogene diet and ketosis

I've been cutting weight it's no secret. Just recently I've done a lot of research on Ketosis and its effects. For everyone who doesn't know what it is, basically the human body uses carbs for energy and sugars. Basically we you enter a state of ketosis you use fat for energy instead of carbs. This does multiple things; speeds fat loss up tremendously, you could w come lean while building muscle too. There's many more benefits. I'm day 1 into this, and I'm dizzy an lightheaded, it's normal though considering my carb intake was insanely low, which is one of the ways to get in ketosis, very low carb intake. You can speed it up with hyper intense interval training [HIIT] which I did this morning, to speed it up even faster ill do a 24 hour food fast tomorrow. I'm currently 198 and ill be going down to 180 so well see how this works for a bit.

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